
Add photos

Add a maximum of {{ $maxImages ?? 6 }} images below. (SalvoSITE owners have no limit)
Using an iPad, iPhone or smartphone? Press the photo upload box area (below) and follow the instructions to take a new photo or choose one from your photo library.
A square photo looks best for the main photo. Other photos can be any aspect ratio.
Include shots of the backs of items, any damage, makers names etc
No people or pets are allowed in photos.
Only use your own photos, do not use photos taken by others.

Edit photos

Captions: Add a text caption and copyright symbol. Use a maximum of 64 characters. Do not duplicate captions.
Main photo: Select the main photo using the tick box.
Edit photo: Rotate the photo if necessary. Resize, crop or make a square photo.
Delete: Delete unwanted photos.
@if ($item->images)


@foreach ($item->images()->get()->chunk(6) as $chunk)
@foreach ($chunk as $image)
{{$image->description ? $image->description : 'Caption'}}  
Rotate & Crop Remove
@endforeach @endif {{ csrf_field() }}